As you probably know, I am running for president of the United States. Granted, I’m not independence_daydoing well in the polls right now but the pundits say that the polls don’t matter until after Labor Day. Apparently, the people polled buy new mattresses on Labor Day (as set by law: The Mattress Act of 1959) sleep on them, and in the morning, decide who should be president. So I’m not going to worry about the polls until you have a chance to sleep on it.

I decided to run for president because the other two candidates are idiots. Hillary is nothing more than Pinocchio in a pantsuit, and Donald Trump is the major generator of stupid quotes. I am telling you that I have never lied unless I really, really had to, and the stupidest thing I ever said is that procrastination is best put off until tomorrow.

I want to be your next president for several good reasons. In addition to my stances on defense, the environment, taxes and term limits, I have other stances too. In fact, if there is an issue, I have a stance on it, but so do the other candidates. What sets me apart is that I want to be president because I need a place to live.

I have decided that taxes are too high in Illinois and I need to move elsewhere. What better place to live than the White House. And after I move in, the White House will become the peoples’ house because I plan to hold a lot of parties. I’m not going to toss shindigs for foreign heads of state but will throw real parties for real people.

I will have garden parties, football parties, card parties, and keggers. I will pay for these parties by having periodic White House garage sales. You can’t tell me that after 150 years there isn’t a lot of crap stored up in the attic. Let’s get rid of the junk and make some beer money at the same time.

I also want to be president so that I can appoint my friends to cabinet positions. This would make all of the meetings more fun because we could rib each other and pull pranks. Plus, the guy I have in mind for Secretary of State knows how to use e-mail.

Finally, I want to be president because I wouldn’t have to take my shoes off to get on a plane, and there’s free beer on board. The plane will also operate on my schedule and I’ll have zero chance of ever getting bumped.

I want your vote in 2016 but I don’t want you to think that this campaign is just about me. It’s about all of us. If you are a citizen, you can contact me directly. Write and tell me what’s on your mind, and if I can fix it, I will. If, however, I think you’re nuts, I will turn you over to the IRS. Do you feel lucky today?.


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Let’s Get Ready For 2020

Now that the games of the XXXI Olympiad are almost over, it is time olympic-rings-un-1010x1030for the IOC to get ready for the 2020 games in Tokyo. Part of the Olympics planning is the inclusion of new events and in the past they have included golf, baseball, and ping pong. In the next four years I would like to see them consider more games to include a greater part of the global population.

Admit it, very few of us can swim that fast, jump that high, or squeeze into tiny spandex unitards. If they want us to watch more of the games, it’s time to include more games that we can relate to. Let’s take shuffleboard for instance. In the Winter Olympics, curling is a sport, and it is is nothing more than shuffleboard on ice, so why not include shuffleboard on land?

Swimming, diving, and water polo are the current sports in the Olympics so let’s include the most popular water sport of all time, Marco Polo. It would be exciting to see blindfolded swimmers splashing around, trying to catch competitors from other countries.

The Olympics currently include freestyle wrestling and Greco Roman wrestling, so why not add Arm Wrestling and Thumb Wrestling? They’re sports currently played in bars around the world.

Badminton and trampoline, popular backyard activities are in the Olympics so I say that we include the most universal backyard games, Hide & Seek and Tag. Both require a lot of running as well as evasive tactics and would bring in huge TV numbers.

And while Joey Chestnut continues to eat his way to victory in the annual Nathan’s hot dog eating competition, you can’’t tell me that there aren’t competitive eaters in other countries who could beat him. To make the competitive eating challenge more exciting, the host country would get to select the food to be consumed. In 2020 the games will be in Japan so I think a sushi eating contest would be appropriate and fun to watch. And you thought Zika made you sick, wait until you see competitors packing their cheeks full of raw fish.

Finally, it is time to embrace the Pokemon Go craze and involve millions of millennial slackers in the Olympics. Players would be turned loose in Tokyo to capture elusive imaginary monsters, and to make it even more interesting, we could throw a few real monsters into the mix. Hello Godzilla.

If you are a member of the IOC selection committee, I offer these suggestions to you for free in the hopes that the next Olympic games will be the best ever, and just maybe, I’d have a chance at a gold medal.

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In my never-ending quest to discover the core difference between men and women, I have Mr-Skill-Broken-Toiletrecently discovered yet another parting of the thought patterns.

Out of the blue, one day, my wife said, “I want to re-do the bathroom.” Since she didn’t say “I want you to re-do the bathroom”, I was okay with the idea. I figured that a
“re-do” involved a paint job and some new towels. I could not have been more mistaken.

Since I don’t watch the same “fix my crappy house” TV shows that my wife does, I did not know that “re-do” meant ripping out everything, down to the bare walls, and then ripping out the walls. After this demolition I will be missing a perfectly good, flush toilet, a perfectly good shower, and some perfectly good walls. Why? Because I’m getting a re-do.

There are many decisions to be made in a bathroom re-do. First, you have to pick out new fixtures like a toilet and a sink. I was very used to my old toilet. We bonded over the years and I always knew it would be there to support and comfort me. But now I have to get a new toilet, one that I don’t know.

So we went to the Toilet, Sink, & Shower store to select the new fixtures. I didn’t care what the sink looked like. It’s a bowl that holds water. But the toilet, that was another matter. I needed to find my perfect comfort level, so I grabbed a magazine and sat on every toilet in the store to find just the right one. I like the one we picked out. It has a cup holder.

We also needed to decide on expensive faucet and handles for the sink and a new expensive shower head for the shower. There was quite a selection but thankfully, all of them were expensive. I let my wife decide on the sink handles and I picked out the shower head. I got one with a bunch of nozzles that shoot from six different angles. Sounds like shower-time fun.

Once the fixtures were decided upon, tile selection appeared on the agenda. Again, I really don’t care about tile and care even less about the color of grout. I only need a comfortable toilet and a shower with nozzles and I’m good. The tile could be any color, any pattern, and I don’t care.

At this point I thought my part of the re-do was over, but again, I was more mistaken than Hillary Clinton deleting e-mails. I was given a document called an “estimate” and just about “shit” my pants. The re-do of a perfectly good, properly flushing bathroom was going to cost more than college tuition, which is fitting because I will be using it to read and study. If Bernie Sanders were president I’d probably get it for free.

The destruction/reconstruction process has not yet begun, but once it does, it will last for weeks and weeks because home projects always do. I’ll let you know how everything works out.

Anybody want to buy my old toilet? It’s on Ebay.

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I have always written every word of this blog myself, but recently I was approached by a new writer with a fresh take on things. I invited him to contribute to this week’s article and he submitted the following. If you like it, I’ll try to convince him to do more. That said, here is Eddie Lubitsch._images_uploads_claretyconsulting_angry_face.JPG

Hello, I’m Eddie Lubitsch and I am very angry. I am angry at the government, the weather, the economy, the election, and I’m most angry at stupid people. I like to refer to myself as Eddie Lubitsch, The Last Angry Man, and I hope you do too.

So what makes me angry today? I’ll tell ya. Today I woke up early and decided to make myself breakfast rather than wake my wife Estelle, because if I woke her up to make breakfast she’d probably spit in my eggs.

All I wanted to eat was a piece of toast and a slice or two of bacon. This is when I had an epiphany. Why not drape two slices of bacon over a piece of bread and drop it in the toaster? I’d have everything ready at once, or so I thought. What I had was a fire in the toaster. I grabbed a towel and smothered the fire but not before the smoke detectors screamed, waking Estelle.

It only got worse from there and the worse things get, the angrier I become. Later in the afternoon, after I had been called an idiot, a pinhead, and a doofus, I told Estelle that it was not my fault. There was no warning anywhere on the toaster that said I shouldn’t cook bacon in it. How was I supposed to know? The fault lies squarely on the shoulders of the toaster titans.

I called my Native American female lawyer, Sue Sioux, and informed her of my plan. I wanted the toaster company to pay for my incompetence with some new regulations on toasters. How about a built in fire extinguisher to put out future fires? Or at the very least make the toaster operable only by the person who bought it, after they have been given a training course on safe toaster operation.

My attorney suddenly had to take another call and somehow we got cut off, but I will not let this matter drop. Maybe the problem is not with the toaster but with the bacon. Perhaps the pork producers should concentrate on developing a less flammable bacon. And when you buy bacon, you will have to register your rashers with the local fire department.

I am confident that none of these things will happen, and realize that I am at the fuzzy end of the lollipop again. Thank you for reading this rant, and until we communicate again, I remain Eddie Lubitsch, The Last Angry Man.


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Dale’s Yellowstone Adventure

When I was a child, I was fascinated by Yellowstone National Park. I saw it through my
View Master 3-D viewer and it opened up the world to me. The mountains, the waterfalls, the bears, and Old Faithful were very cool to look at but I never experienced them first hand, until now, and this is what I learned.


My wife and I set out for a Yellowstone adventure by flying into Bozeman, Montana, the closest airport to the park entrance. Driving from Bozeman to the park, I began to understand why Montana is known as Big Sky Country. That’s about all there is. There’s a lot of open space covered by a very big sky. In fact, the name Bozeman is an old Indian word meaning, “How ‘bout that sky?”

I drove to the park’s northern entrance and through the Roosevelt Arch, a stone arch named after President Theodore Roosevelt a big fan of the park and a guy who loved a good arch.

As I approached the ranger station, I was treated to something we call a “deal.” Regular admission to the park is $30 per car and it is good for several days. However, I learned that if you have reached the age of 62 and are a U.S. Citizen, you can purchase a LIFETIME pass to ALL NATIONAL PARKS for only $10. That’s it, one sawbuck for a lifetime membership to all the parks. It was such a good deal, I bought two.

Our first stop was Mammoth Hot Springs which lived up to its name by being mammoth, hot, and quite springy. It was here that we spotted our first wildlife, a lawn filled with elk. Apparently the local Elk’s Club was closed and they had no where better to go so they slept on the lawn.


We met up with the other members of our tour, who also looked like they had taken advantage of the $10 deal of the century. There were nine of us in the group; besides my wife and me, we had Bob and Marsha from Florida, Jim and Lynn from New Mexico, and Brad and Marta, also from Florida, who were joined by Marta’s 87-year-old mother, Olga, the real trooper among us.

We travelled through the park in a 1936 White Touring Car. It had three bench seats for the passengers and a canvas top that rolled back in nice weather. Our bus was so unique that tourists took pictures of it while I made faces through the window.

After a restful night’s sleep, we awoke at O dark hundred to see wildlife. Apparently the wolves and bears are morning animals. While hiking to an observation spot, I learned that there are 4,900 bison in the park and they have a propensity to poop anywhere and everywhere. Hiking across a meadow is like traversing a mine field of dookie. The enormous elk are also ubiquitous here, as are their droppings but I couldn’t tell their scat from bison scat. I guess some folks are right, I don’t know shit.

The park is also loaded with bears and if you come in contact with one, you need to have bear spray. I bought one but I have to tell you that bear spray is nothing like mosquito spray. You are supposed to spray it AT the bear. Live and learn.

The rest of the day we saw coyotes, eagles, osprey, mountain goats and other animals all being photographed by people with camera lenses the size of pontoons. Apparently when it comes to wildlife photography, size matters.




We started early again and were rewarded with views of hundreds of bison amid millions of bison chips. This day was dedicated to geysers and we saw quite a few at the Norris Geyser Basin. Old people watching geysers made us geezer geyser gazers. (rim shot).

There are a lot of geysers, hot springs and mud pots in the park because it sits atop the world’s largest volcano. It hasn’t erupted in 65,000 years but experts predict that it could go off any minute. This is reassuring news. At least if it blows while I’m here, I’ll get some great photos for Facebook.

The high point of the day was seeing Old Faithful, the geyser that has been erupting regularly for eons. It was erupting at 90 minute intervals the day we were there and seats around the geyser soon taken up by bus loads of foreign visitors. When Old Faithful erupted, they took pictures and got back on the bus. I sat around and waited for the next show. I’m getting my $10 worth on this trip



I have been in the park for three days now, and no sign of a bear. We did, however cross over the Continental Divide, a line defining the flow of water on the continent. All water that falls to the east of the divide eventually winds up in the Atlantic, while water that falls to the west of the divide goes to the Pacific. I don’t know what happens to water that falls to the north or south of the divide but I guess that’s another mystery of nature.

As we continued on our way to Lake Yellowstone, I found time to contemplate reality. The reality was that I was on vacation atop the world’s biggest volcano – which could go off at any time – surrounded by animals that could kill me, in an area that experiences 2,000 earthquakes a year, at an altitude that makes it hard to breathe. This is about as much nature as I care to experience.

There is no TV service in the park, no internet, and limited cell phone service. Unfortunately, there are a plethora of selfie sticks, gimmicks that represents everything that’s wrong with the world today.

There are also signs posted everywhere warning visitors to stay 25 yards away from wild animals lest they be killed and/or thrown out of the park, but the selfie-stickers pay no attention and March right up to the animals. Perhaps they can’t read the sign with the red circle with a line through it but was an example of another of nature’s wonders, natural selection.



Although it is early in the season, the roads in the park are starting to get full of cars and RVs, and when one of them spots wildlife along the road, they all stop creating what is known as a “bear jam.” One such bear jam caused us to exit our vehicle and climb a hill where, in the distance, we saw a grizzly bear and her cub. Even though we were the requisite 100 yards from a bear, I made sure I stood behind somebody with a selfie stick that I could outrun if the bear charged.

Phil set up some industrial strength telescopes and we were able to look at Gentle Betty…and her cub. Alas, I don’t have a mortar-sized  lens on my camera so my pictures of the bear look much like brown dots.

After the thrilling bear sighting, we continued to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Here we were greeted by magnificent waterfalls, a colorful canyon, and tourists who think they have to be the center of every picture they take. I photo-bombed as many as I could. We got caught up in another bear jam, this time it was a black bear quite close to the road. The odd thing about this bear is that he had a selfie stick.

The end of the tour brought us back to Mammoth Hot Springs, which seem to have gotten even mammother in our absence. And the same elk were there to greet us again. They must be union elk and this is their summer gig.

The next day I drove back to Bozeman on a road where the speed limit is 80 MPH. Like I said, there’s not much to look at along the way.

I saw a lot in five days but Yellowstone offers so much more to see and it is all spectacularly beautiful. I’m sure I will be back because, hey, I have a lifetime pass, I look forward to using my pass at as many national parks as I can. If you have a recommendation, let me know at


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