The Kidders #111 Batten down the hatches, it’s a new administration

Join Dale Irvin, Tim Slagle, and Teri O’Brien as we discuss important stories in the news like a 70 year old hooker, cow bell complaints, a really weird place for an anti-Trump tattoo, and monkey sex with a deer. Plus a whole lot more. It’s a 15 minute escape from reality that will make you laugh.

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The Kidders 110 – We have NOT been hacked by the Russians…yet.

Dale Irvin, Tim Slagle, and Teri O’Brien discuss important topics like toilets that are pay-per-flush; a no pants subway ride; a man who breaks coconuts with his head; and a study that shows people who swear to be more intellegent. Well, I’ll be @#$%ed.

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#109 – The funniest way to start the new year

Join Dale, Tim, and Teri as they welcome in the new year with stories of exploding salad dressing and new iterms offered by the McDonalds in Vatican City. All that and much more.

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As we count down the hours until 2017 we collectively reflect on the past twelve months – then we get a bit nauseous – and then we make promises for the new year. These 725090_f260promises are called resolutions.

The New Years Resolution originated in the Garden of Eden. After their first year together, Adam and Eve sat down and made resolutions for the next year. Among them were the promises to never eat apples, don’t trust snakes, and start having babies. Ever since then, we look forward to the new year with promises of self-betterment.

The most difficult thing about resolutions is keeping them. Over 90% of all resolutions made, are broken in the first month. The other 10% are broken later in the year.

That is why this year, I made resolutions that I swear will not be broken. If I give it my all, I can keep them. I made three of them for 2017.

  1. I resolve to lose 35 – hairs, if not more.
  2. As for exercise, I resolve to increase the frequency and length of – my naps.
  3. And finally, I resolve to avoid being serious about anything I post on line.

So, there you have it. I’ll keep all three of these resolutions and perhaps go for a fourth one; I resolve to eat more pie.

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The Kidders #108 – We’re more than just jokes, we have opinions too.

Join Dale Irvin and Tim Slagle as we discuss important things like the right to have a “HO HO” license plate; toilet paper for your smartphone; a special Donald Trump iphone (which I assume is self wiping); and a 6-year-old genius junior larcenist.

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