Valentines Day is the American holiday adored by women and approached with fear and Hearts-heart-clipart-free-clipart-images-3-clipartix-2
loathing by men. Women love the cards, and the flowers, and the dinner, and the gifts, but men are under constant pressure to provide the “right” card, flowers, dinner, and gifts.

It is a period of extreme stress for men and I feel our pain. So I explored the very roots of experience to expunge the dos and don’ts of a successful Valentines Day.

Let’s start with selecting the right card. Valentines Day cards are sold everywhere and have been available since January 2nd, so you have no excuse not to get one. I like going to a store with a large greeting car selection, but you can buy cards everywhere, from the gas station to the liquor store.

Upon approaching the greeting car rack, you will see a row of Valentines Day cards divided under categories like, wife, husband, boyfriend, girl/boyfriend, girlfriend, funny, romantic, sexy, pop-up, etc. Make your choice wisely. If you’re in love, go for romantic. If you are friends with benefits, go for funny. If you’re just in it for the perks, choose a sexy card.

Flowers are a must on Valentines Day, unless allergies are involved. For the most part, women love flowers and you can get them anywhere, just like the cards. You can pick up a bouquet at the grocery store, the gas station, the liquor store, or in dire circumstances, the cemetery.

Dinner can be the most costly item in the perfect Valentines Day scenario. The V Day dinner must be eaten in a restaurant, at a table, with a table cloth, where you order from the menu. Drive-thrus do not count and should be empty on Valentines Day except for the loners, losers, and malcontents.

Finally, you must decide on a Valentines Day gift. The success or failure of your Valentines Day experience now rests in the gift. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you about the perfect gift because every person’s perception of perfect is poles apart. What I can tell you about, is what NOT to buy for a Valentines Day gift.

Do NOT give a toaster, electric can opener, or vacuum cleaner as a Valentines Day gift. Do NOT give a membership to Jenny Craig. Do NOT give kitchen utensils, cleaning supplies, fitness videos, or anything that should be kept in the garage.

If you follow these simple guidelines, you’ll have a fighting chance on Valentines Day. Good luck.

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The Kidders #114 – There’s a lot more where this came from.

This week you will join Teri, Tim, and Dale as the wander while they wonder about the oddities of the world around us.

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The Kidders #113 – Locked, Loaded, and ready to Laugh

Dale Irvin, Tim Slagle, and Teri O’Obrien are ready to make your day. They are armed with cynicism and satire, and are packing punchlines. Join us for a view of the world through kaleidoscope glasses.

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Unless you have been living in a cave for the last 11 years, you’ve heard of a company called 29zfZY6ITwitter. Twitter was started in 2006 and provided the world with a forum where they could express their thoughts no matter how profound or stupid they could be. A tweet is limited to 140 character so it needs to be kept both Terse and Pithy, who were a great vaudeville team in the 20’s.

I tend to tweet occasionally, usually in the hours that I am conscious, and I try to make my message entertaining. Some people opt to make their tweets nasty things that will come back to bite them in the ass. Not literally of course, or the current president would be down to nothing butt bone. Butt bone, get it?

In President’s Trump’s defense, let it be said that he is the first president to use Twitter. It was invented in 2006 but President Obama didn’t use it much. At least not that we’re aware of, so Trump is the first chief executive with the access to say whatever he wants to say whenever he wants to say it and 22 million followers with pay attention to whatever he has to say. Roosevelt had fireside chats, but Trump has twitter toadies.

Therefore, in his I don’t think we can judge him totally by his internet diatribes because who knows what presidents before him might have said had they had access to this technology when they were in office.

So, in response to this question, I decided to predict famous tweets by famous people who would tweet if they could.

GEORGE WASHINGTON – @dollarbill – I cannot tell a lie…unless I really have to. HA HA. #fatherofcountry

THOMAS JEFFERSON – @decofind – All men are created equal, more or less, but some might be equaler. #firstdraft

ABRAHAM LINCOLN – @logsplitter – John Wilkes Booth is the most over-rated actor in Washington. #oops

TEDDY ROOSEVELT – @roughrider – Just opened Yellowstone Park. A beautiful place with crappy cell service. #bullybully

FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT – @FDR – The only thing you have to fear; is the tavern running out of beer. #funnyquotes

RICHARD NIXON – @notacrook – I wasn’t there. I didn’t do it. If I did do it I must be crazy. #notguilty

BILL CLINTON – @wildwilly – Oral in the Oval. Is that wrong? #donottellhillary.

BARACK OBAMA – @POTUS44 – It’s my last day on the job. Trump sucks. Obama out. #onvacation

As you can see, history doesn’t lie. So the next time you feel like making a negative comment about one of Donald’s Trump’s tweets, go ahead, It’s America.

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The Kidders #112 – Boy, have we got something to say

Dale Irvin, Tim Slagle, and Teri O’Brien discuss pressing issues in the world of stupid behavior. Guaranteed to make you laugh or your money back.

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