I Can’t Wear Another Man’s Pants

I had an eerie experience this week which has no explanation. After arising, I went into 8708576-a-pair-of-blue-jeans-on-a-white-backgroundmy closet and put on a pair of jeans. For years, I have worn the same brand of jeans in the same size. They always fit me to a T, but this time it was different.

As soon as I put the jeans on, I noticed they were rather loose around the waist. Hoorah, I thought, I’m finally losing some weight, but then I noticed that the jeans were too long too. They weren’t just a little too long, they were roll-up long and I haven’t rolled up the cuffs of my jeans since I was eight years old. These pants were waaay too big for me. To try to adjust the length, I hiked the jeans up higher on my waist to the point where I looked like a dork wearing mom jeans that were still too long. What was going on?

My first thought was that I was shrinking. It’s a well known fact that as people age, they start to shrink a little but I was starting to fade away. Soon I’d be unable to reach the top shelf in the kitchen and will need a ladder to change light bulbs…in the floor lamp. I quickly measured myself. My height was unchanged but the pants were still too big. What’s happening?

I finally came to the conclusion that these were not my pants. Oh sure, they were my brand and labeled in my size but somehow they had grown bigger in the environment of a closet. Did they have a soul, free will, and a heartbeat too. These pants were alive and I feared that they would get so large that one day they would just swallow me up, never to be seen again. So I gave them away.

This brings me to the point of this story. As a man – and I think I speak for all men –  I do not feel comfortable wearing another man’s pants. In fact, I don’t feel comfortable wearing any clothing that has previously been worn by another man no matter how much it has been washed. I don’t know why, but putting on another man’s clothing always seemed creepy to me…not as creepy as putting on women’s clothes but creepy nonetheless. You would never wear another man’s underwear and the rest of the clothing is just a flimsy fabric away from being underwear.

Women, on the other hand, see no problem whatsoever in sharing their clothes. Women of the same size bond because they know that they have just doubled the size of their wardrobes. Women will share dresses, pants, tops, socks, you name it. They’ll even share jewelry. Face it, women are givers which is why they make such good mothers.

Men, on the other hand make the best fathers because fathers always wear their own pants.

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