I Want To Be A Lawyer In Utah

Friends don’t let friends Uber drunk; I’m not dead yet; Do you take this tree?; Utah lawyers get e-mail of boobs. You job may be bad but you don’t want to be a taser tester.

2:12 Sleep Ubering
3:37 Talking Dead
4:59 Almost Autopsied
6:49 Universal Airsick
8:12 Married with Leaves
10:18 Utah Boob Tweet
11:26 Worst Job of the Week
14:10 Wrap Up

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“Hell no, I won’t go”…the wait continues

We look at a constipated con who won’t go; a lottery winner and a JKM loser, no mail for nudists; when cops have bad days; and a look at the job of funeral stripper.

3:03 Missed Lottery
4:9 Criminal Constipation
7:12 Wrong Way Nudist
8:23 Horsing Around Drunk
9:17 Dragged for a Mile
10:12 Apple 911
11:42 Worst Job of the Week
14:37 Wrap Up

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GAS, Good in your car, Bad inside a plane

Teri, Tim, and Dale examine the things that elicit the response, “Just kill me.”

This week we lokk at the body part business; a doughnut Homer would be proud of; a lady drying her undies on an airplane overhead air vent; and the adventures of Captain Fartsalot.


5:42 Dr. Hassle
7:30 Cheeto Doughnut
8:45 Concrete Funeral
10:32 Asphalt Traffic Jam
11:48 Flight Leaves at Too Farty
13:15 Warplanes Out Of Gas
14:03 Knickers on a Plane
15:17 Worst Job of the Week
17:33 Wrap Up

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Australia is not a country, is it?

This week Tim, Teri, and Dale explore the moments, events and jobs that make a person say Just Kill Me. We discuss a road sign intended to mock Jimmy Kimmel; do’s and don’ts of Valentines Day; is Australia really a country?; animal stories about dogs and stuffed tigers, and the worst job of the week.

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It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a dead goose

It’s amazing how many things can make you say “just kill me”, like a dead goose falling from the sky and knocking out a hunter; Justin Trudeau making “peoplekind” a new stupid word; and a false tsunami warning.

You’ll find this and much more in this week’s thrilling episode.

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